Giving Children Hope and a Future: Interview with New Day for Children

Giving Children Hope and a Future: Interview with New Day for Children

“There are things in life that we cannot unsee and we cannot unknow: when this happens, it changes us forever.”

From the outset, Timeless Pearl wanted to make a difference in the lives of women and girls. At first, our mission was to help women look beautiful and feel confident with affordable jewelry. And we did that for thousands of women. But we wanted to do more; give more.

After searching for months for the right charity to support, we found New Day for Children, and we couldn’t be more excited and humbled to partner with this organization.

To introduce the charity to you, we decided to interview the Executive Director, Sharon, to get a glimpse into the great work New Day for Children is doing.


About New Day for Children

New Day for Children was founded in response to learning that American children were being sold for sex, and that the numbers were quickly growing.

According to the National Council on Crime and Delinquency, the most crucial service that is lacking is the existence of secure physical shelters and safe housing for victims. That is where New Day for Children comes in.

The organization was established in 2009 to provide hope and healing for America’s sex-trafficked children. They work with fantastic programs to provide recovered girls with safe housing, education, specialized therapy, equine therapy, medical and dental care, and more.

Their integrated approach averages an 80% success rate as it meets the unique needs of each child.


About the Team

We asked Sharon how she got involved in the organization:

“I got involved with NDFC five years ago when I discovered that a 12-year-old girl I knew was being sold for sex in the Bay Area. I started volunteering, then served on the board and became executive director in May of 2017. It has been, and continues to be an honor to serve in this capacity.”

No two days are alike for Sharon and her team. Calls for a newly recovered girl always come first. Supporting a new girl can involve talking with the FBI, Homeland Security, police, and the girl’s parents, or contacting programs for a possible placement.

Sharon also does a fair amount of public speaking and networking to try and bring more awareness to sex trafficking in America and the work the foundation is doing to help these girls.

When asked what gets her out of bed in the morning, Sharon said: “The opportunity to help a hurting child. To give worried and terrified parents peace of mind that their child is safe and secure, and is getting the help they need to heal. Most families cannot afford the high cost of safe housing, intensive therapy, and education these girls need. That’s where New Day for Children comes in.”


Success Stories

The average life expectancy of a teen being trafficked is 21-22 years old. To date, every New Day supported girl is a success because she is still alive. That’s success right there! In addition, very few of the girls go back to “the life,” but go on to finish high school and are reunited with their families when appropriate. Some go on to college or trade school, some join the workforce, and others have even started families of their own. 

Here are a few stories of girls New Day for Children has helped (names changed for privacy reasons):

  • Gabby was sold for 10 years in the Bay Area. She is now a junior in high school and doing amazingly well! She has a bright future ahead of her.
  • China is home with her mom and graduated early from high school with honors! She wants to go to nursing school.
  • Amber was sold in Central California and is now home, going to school and is happy and healthy. She is super creative and writes beautiful poetry.
  • May finished high school and is now working and living in the Napa Valley.
  • Jennifer is at a special facility in Utah that provides a high level of care for PTSD and trauma. There is hope for her and her family.
  • Jenna graduated from university with honors and has a great job in marketing!
  • Chance has been reunited with her mom, is back home and finishing high school.

The list goes on and on. New Day for Children has supported long-term residential care and education for almost 100 American girls who have been rescued from sex trafficking.


How Do I Keep My Children Safe? An urgent message from Sharon:

While there are children who are more at risk of being sex-trafficked here in America, technology has put everyone’s child at risk. The internet and cell phones are wonderful tools, I don’t know what I’d do without mine! But children by nature are very trusting and don’t fully comprehend the vast number of people that can “see” them and that these people are not always who they say they are. Monitor your child’s online activity and talk to them in a safe and age-appropriate manner. You know your children best and know how to talk to them in a way that will empower them, not scare them.


What the Future Holds

Sharon and her team would like to double the number of girls New Day can support with topnotch programs around the country. They also want to support boys – there’s only one place in the entire country that specializes in the care of recovered sex trafficked boys.

Of course, the more kids they help, the more funding they need to raise. But they’re positive they’ll be able to reach their goal, because “people really care about our children and want to make a difference in their lives.”


How We Can Help

Why should people donate to New Day for Children?

Because our children matter. Because with the right help they can go on to have a wonderful, healthy, and productive life.

All funding they receive provides an American child rescued from sex trafficking a great education, safe housing, specialized therapy, medical and dental care, extra-curricular activities, and more.

New Day for Children knows that healing takes time and your gifts give just that – the girls can stay in their program until they are ready for their next step.


Saving One Child at a Time

Sharon gets her strength from Psalm 127:1:

Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.

Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.  

At Timeless Pearl, we want to do our part in helping our children. Our children are our precious pearls, and it's our duty to keep them safe. Our mission is to honor the beauty in every person. For a child recovered from sex trafficking, hope may feel lost, but we know for certain it lives in our ability to heal together. Like a pearl, developing new layers of strength over time, every rescued child will eventually see the light and reveal their beauty to the world.

That is why 10% of every purchase you make will go directly to New Day for Children.

You can read more about that here.

You can also donate directly to New Day for Children here.

Together, we can heal the mind, body, and spirit of America’s sex trafficked children….one child at a time.

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Edison Pearls