Marilyn Monroe: The Pearl That Embodied an Era June 2021She Rose Above Her Troubled Past to Achieve Iconic Status From a difficult childhood to a legendary cultural icon, she portrayed the embodiment of the American Dream. Her determination to...
Rosa Parks: The Pearl That Sparked a Revolution June 2021Her Courage Ignited a Civil Rights Movement That Changed the World She has iconic status in American culture and left an inspiring legacy for human rights around the world. Her...
Carmen Dell'Orefice: Fashion’s Enduring Pearl June 2021Her Glamorous Beauty Spans Decades This American supermodel and actress holds legendary status in the fashion industry for being the world's oldest working model. With a classic beauty the camera...
Yulia Tymoshenko: The Revolutionary Pearl June 2021She is the Queen of the Orange Revolution and Ukrainian Politics Her political courage and contribution to the development of democracy in Ukraine have garnered legendary status. Her life shows...
Romy Schneider: The Pearl of European Film May 2021She Lived the Role She Was Born For With more than 60 roles to her name, a German-French actress rose to stardom during the era of Home-land films. Her life...
Christine Lagarde: A Pearl of Elegance and Power May 2021Her legacy is a pillar of achievement, authority, and firsts. When an oyster surrounds a grain of sand with layers of translucent mineral, it becomes a durable pearl of elegant,...