Pearls for a New, Prosperous Year

Pearls for a New, Prosperous Year

Pearls are believed to attract wealth, are known for their calming effects, is said to strengthen relationships, and they also symbolize purity. What better gem to have near you than a pearl to enter the new year?

Whatever you wish on yourself or your loved ones, there is a reason to venture into 2019 adorned with pearls. Here are just some of the reasons why pearls make great gifts:


Pearls and New Beginnings

At the start of each year we look towards the future, make plans and set our goals. We start off with a blank slate, pure and untainted by mistakes and mishaps. Pearls are pure, and a great reminder that we can embrace each day with a clean slate and not let the mistakes of yesterday pull us back.


Pearls and Relationships

A pearl symbolizes the precious bond between two people, like a mother and child, a husband and wife, and special friends. Remember and celebrate the bonds you have with them through the gift of pearl jewelry.  


Pearls and a Calm Demeanor

Touching the cool pearl beads have a calming effect on the mind. Dowager Cixi, the only female Empress in the history of China, used to touch the beads of her pearl necklace whenever she had to make difficult decisions. A string of pearls is the perfect gift to a special woman in your life who is under a lot of stress or who has to make difficult decisions at work every day. And yes, that special woman can be you!


Pearls and Wealth

Pearls are said to attract wealth. Whether that’s true or not, there’s no danger in adopting this belief! Wish a prosperous 2019 on the women in your life with a gift of pearl jewelry.


Pearls and Strength

It takes years, dedication, and grit to form a new pearl – from a mere irritation into a beautiful gem. Bestow a loved one you admire, or a young woman entering a new stage in her life, with the gift of pearls so that she can take courage and strength from them every day of the new year.


Let’s Celebrate 2019!

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” C.S. Lewis

Let’s take our cue from C.S. Lewis and embrace 2019 with a determination to make it our best year ever!

Browse our shop for our classic pieces or the latest pearl jewelry additions that you can take with you wherever you go – the boardroom, a coffee date with the girls, or a glamorous night out.

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