Pearl Brooches: a Modern Look

Pearl Brooches: a Modern Look

A brooch is one of the most versatile accessories you can have in your jewelry box. Over the years, it has both gained and lost popularity. But, as any brooch lover will tell you, brooches are a lot of fun to wear. The styling possibilities are vast, and if styled right, can bring out your personality in a way no other accessory can.

We’ve recently added a whole range of pearl brooches to our collection, and we’re really excited to introduce them to you. We’ve put together a miniature Lookbook to show you how flexible brooches are and to give you some ideas on how to wear your own.

Layer, Layer, Layer

Throw together a few of your favourite necklaces and add a brooch into the mix. A brooch can be worn as a pendant by clipping it onto a chain, or alternatively you can bind a string of necklaces together with a brooch. Play with different colors and textures to find the perfect balance.


Style Your Coat

Traditionally, brooches and coats go together like peanut butter and jelly. While we love peanut butter and jelly – we despise old and dowdy. So to make sure you steer clear from the outdated, here is the updated version of how to wear a brooch with your coat. The first step is to choose a brooch that is fresh and young, and then pair it with a modern jacket. Don’t be afraid to play with color and contrast.


Bountiful Pearls

Not happy with only one string of pearls? No problem! Add a few strings of pearls for a fuller look and pair with a pearl brooch pin. We love this sweet, romantic look with the lace top, white pearls, and silver and white pearl brooch. The different textures and the lustre of the pearls give it an unmatched richness.



Get Creative with Scarves

Whether you make your brooch the centrepiece or use it to keep your scarf in place, the versatility of using scarves and brooches together means you can create any look imaginable. Tie your scarf in different ways and move the brooch around until they are in perfect harmony.


Don’t limit yourself. Play around with your brooches and other accessories until you find the perfect balance and personality. For other ideas on how to put a stamp on your ensemble, pin a brooch to your handbag or purse, shoes, hat, belt, gloves, or even in your hair.

Browse our whole pearl brooch collection to find your ideal match. And don’t forget to let us know how you love to style your brooches.

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Edison Pearls